Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Analysis of the Auditing Report Purpose Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis of the Auditing Report Purpose - Essay Example The essay "Analysis of the Auditing Report Purpose" overviews the main objectives and principles of accounting and the process of auditing that help an auditor in reporting the financial condition and working result of the organization. During auditing, the auditor may come across some errors and frauds although that is not the primary objective of the auditor. The auditor can also disclose whether the accounting system adopted by the company is efficient enough, during which time he may mention some several glitches in the system. The auditor has to examine books of accounts and any other relevant document so that they can report the financial condition of the firm. During the process, the auditor may come across some errors or frauds which can be in the form of clerical errors or errors of principle. Clerical errors can be divided into errors of commission, errors of omission, and compensating errors. Some frauds can be so damaging that they lead to the company bankruptcy. A good example is The Enron scandal that led to the bankruptcy of the corporation that was a result of audit failure. There are the following principles in auditing: planning, honesty, impartiality, secrecy, evidence, consistency and legal framework. The auditor has to plan before starting their work. The auditor decides to account about the internal control procedure and the accounting. Honesty and sincerity are the second most important principles of auditing. The auditor should exhibit a high degree of loyalty and professionalism.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ritual practices Essay Example for Free

Ritual practices Essay John A. Grim of Yale University explained that the term â€Å"indigenous† is a generalized reference to the thousands of small scale societies who have distinct languages, kinship systems, mythologies, ancestral memories and homelands. Much of these indigenous cultures were found in North America long before the European settlers arrived. Some of these cultures had their own way of living and unique ways of worshiping their gods and practicing rituals. Diversity in the belief of the divine, their spirituality and nature would be the most identifiable aspect, wherein some believe in reincarnation, concept of dual divinity and the â€Å"interrelationship of the microcosm of the body with the macrocosm of the larger world† (Grim, 2006), while others believe in kinship in animals and humans. The advent of modern civilization proved to be devastating to these indigenous cultures when natives where forcibly converted to Christianity leading to high suicide rates due to the suppression of their religion and culture. Many were sold into slavery and forced to live in reservations, therefore limiting their freedom to interact with nature leading to the death of some of their rituals and customs. With the passage of time, some of these indigenous beliefs were incorporated into the different contemporary religions were today’s respective native families attend to. Personal convictions consist of the combination of traditional beliefs with Christian elements. Some existing Native American tribes still practice rituals, rain dances, chanting and drum beating within the context of Christianity. No matter how great the difference in religious practices between life then and the contemporary times, indigenous people still believe that the past still lives in the present; as John Grim puts it, that central to indigenous traditions is an awareness of the integral and whole relationship of symbolic and material life. Ritual practices and the cosmological ideas which undergird society cannot be separated out as an institutionalized religion from the daily round of subsistence practices. Sources: 1) Native Religions Development (2006), www. religioustolerance. org [internet] http://www. religioustolerance. org/nataspir. htm Date Accessed: 17 January 2007 2) Grim, John A. (2006), Indigenous Traditions and Ecology (web page) http://environment. harvard. edu/religion/religion/indigenous/index. html Date Accessed: 17 January 2007

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Meaning of Love Essay -- Papers

The Meaning of Love Love has many different meanings to different people. For a child, love is what he or she feels for his mommy and daddy. To teenage boy, love is what he should feel for his girlfriend of the moment, only because she says she loves him. But as we get older and "wiser," love becomes more and more confusing. Along with poets and philosophers, people have been trying to answer that age-old question for centuries: What is love? One definition of love in The Merriam-Webster dictionary is "attraction based on sexual desire" (439). Some people believe that love and sex are one in the same. If two people are in love, they should be having sex. And, on the flipside, if two people are having sex, they must be in love. However, this assumption is obviously not always true. Whether it is right or not to have sex without love is irrelevant; the fact is it happens. Just because a person is sexually attracted to another person and has the desire to have sex with that person does not necessarily suggest that this person is in love. He or she could very well be...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Piping Plover :: science

Piping Plover Introduction The piping plover, a bird now going extinct, was once very bountiful. When an animal is going extinct, it could mean a lot of things. The Piping Plover is an endangered species. An endangered species is a name for a plant or animal that is slowly dying out. This bird is experiencing population drops, so it is called endangered. It is known to scientists as the Charadrius Melodus (ES: Piping Plover). It mainly resides around the Great Lakes and sometimes lives along the Atlantic coast in Canada and the United States (Piping Plover Page). Piping plovers are sometimes found in Alberta as well (ES: Piping Plover). People used to hunt this bird for sport, or for it’s feathers, which was a leading cause of its dramatic decline in population (Piping Plover Page). Piping plovers always return to the spot in which they were born, and find females to breed with (Piping Plover Page). They woo the female, and mate with her, producing eggs. Many efforts are being made to maintain, and incr ease the population of this struggling bird, and so far, they have maintained the species very well. Habitat The Piping Plover is a small, endangered bird. It is otherwise known as the Charadrius Melodus (ES: Piping Plover). It lives, and breeds along the Atlantic coast of Canada, but usually around the Great Lakes, in Canada and the U.S.A (Piping Plover Page). Recently, it has been found in the Wasaga Beach area (Springwater News). This bird has not been seen in this area since 1978, so an area of Beach 1, where the Nottawasaga River enters Nottawasaga Bay was fenced off, and could remain closed until July (Springwater News). It also lives in and around Alberta (ES: Piping Plover). These birds generally live on or close to beaches and lakes, usually places with water. This bird generally likes to be around places with sand, like beaches, because it can blend easily. The bird has a back that is sandy brown in colour, so predators can’t see it (Piping Plover Page). They are constantly losing their habitat to buildings, pollution of lakes and ponds, and clearing of forests. Why the Species is At-Risk This bird was added to the list of endangered species in 1986, when a total count of 300 was produced in the Alberta region (Piping Plover Page). There was a significantly large drop in the Plover population in the twentieth century, because people wanted them for their feathers, and also hunted them for sport (Piping Plover Page).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How Greek Mythology Influenced Christianity Essay

After reading Malthus’ view, Darwin then noticed that if more organisms are produced than the ones that can survive, then they probably compete for resources. Darwin named this the struggle for existence. Darwin also knew that organisms had natural differences within their traits. He assumed that some of those are better suited to the environment. Adaptations: any inheritable characteristic that increases an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce in its environment. Ex: camouflage, tiger’s claws According to Darwin, different adaptations affect an organism’s fitness. Fitness: how well an organism can survive and reproduce in its environment. Organisms with adaptations that are well suited to their environment have high fitness. Darwin’s greatest contribution was to describe an important process in nature, a scientific method, which could work like artificial selection. Artificial Selection: when nature provides the variations, and humans select those they find useful. Then Darwin wrote On the Origin of Species, which included ideas from Malthus, Lamarck, and some of his own ideas. Malthus came up with the idea that if the human population grew unchecked, there wouldn’t be enough living space and food for everyone. Lamarck suggested that organisms are capable of change by choosing whether or not to use specific parts of their bodies. He also came up with that organisms could pass down certain traits to their offspring, allowing species to change over time. Darwin Presents His Ideas Integer egestas orci quis lorem feugiat adipiscing. Lorem Ipsum Dolor 3. Survival of the Fittest: Some adaptations that organisms have are more suited to their environment than others and those are the ones that survive while the other organisms with other adaptations don’t make it. 4. Natural Selection: Organisms with better suited adaptations become more common because: More organisms are born than can survive Organisms have adaptations that help them survive Some organisms have a higher fitness 1. The Struggle of Existence: Organisms produce more offspring than can survive. Only small amount of these offspring can live and reproduce. 2. Variation and Adaptation: There is variation in nature and that is what increases an organism’s possibility in surviving. Some organisms have adaptations that help them. Natural Selection in Four Steps Natural Selection Darwin named his mechanism for evolution natural selection. Natural Selection: the process by which organisms with variations most suited to their local environment survive and leave more offspring. Natural selection happens when more organisms are born than can survive, there is natural variation; and there is variable fitness among individuals.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How Not to Be an Outcast in College

How Not to Be an Outcast in College Being an outcast, or socially inept in college is rather costly. It translates into a less productive and memorable college experience. Whatever, but if that’s something you would rather learn to avoid, then this article is for you. Though it’s a subjective topic, here’s a step by step breakdown of your typical anti-outcast college strategy. 1. Work on You First The only thing that separates you from anything, any goal or objective, is you. Within reason of course. But there are no real walls between you and a robust social life in college. The only thing in your way is your unique â€Å"narrative† that you define yourself with. Change that first. Work on you first. If your attitude is horrible, nothing else you do will help all that much anyway. 2. Read Some Dale Carnegie If you’re a college student today, chances are good ol’ Dale is a bit before your time. Whether you buy it as an eBook or paperback, read this: How to Win Friends and Influence People. If this were the only book you ever read for personal gain, it’s the perfect choice. Odds are just like the countless millions before you, you’ll not only read it again, but take notes and memorize his simple concepts as well. If readin Dale Carnegie is too much for you at the moment, at least read our article on how to deal with having no friends in college. 3. Be the Good Servant At all times be looking for ways to be of service to people without causing them to lose face in any way, or put yourself in a position where you end up getting taken advantage of. When you do get the chance to be of service, go above and beyond 100% of the time. Both Dale Carnegie and Napoleon Hill are big fans of the parable (New Testament). Seriously: If you develop this practice into a habit and stick to it, you will undoubtedly live a prosperous life and make many friends throughout your life. Though many people think that making friends after college is a struggle it is not really so. No matter what it is, go above and beyond without asking for extra pay or recognition. 4. Grow Up â€Å"Grow up† could mean all kinds of things. In this context, we’re referring to how you choose to project yourself to other people via your outward appearance. It doesn’t mean caving in completely, or totally selling out. It just means telling the world around you that you respect yourself. By all means sport some personality in your style, but make sure it’s clean. If you don’t take yourself seriously, hardly anyone else will. 5. Say These Two Things All the Time Let’s be clear, these are affirmations and there’s absolutely no question that they work miracles. Successful and worldly well-connected people use them every day of their lives. However, when you say these two things to yourself on a consistent basis (10 times a day in the beginning) embody them. Get into it! Make it real! Every day I meet the perfect people for me. No matter what I choose to do or say, the right people see and hear me. 6. Remember This Statement Check this out, and no, we haven’t the slightest clue who the quote originates from: â€Å"I am not what I think I am, and I am not what they think I am. I am what I think that they think I am.† Once the depth of that statement hits you and you really get it, you’ll never be the same. What you think people think about you (if they think about you at all) is almost complete rubbish. Yet, how much of what we say, do and think every day is influenced by this self-imposed illusion? Get it straight because this is reality: people really care about just one thing (themselves) no matter how you slice it. Regardless of how noble or righteous, at the end of the day all we really experience in this life is ourselves and no one else. 7. Play to Your Strengths In light of the last statement, you should obviously play to your own unique traits (strengths). You’re the only thing that sets you apart from everyone else, so express you and be unafraid. If it’s respect you want, this is the most direct route. When you play to your strengths and stand as yourself, unafraid before the insecure eyes of your peers, they will not only be drawn to you but regard you as a â€Å"really cool person† in that neutral sense that appeals to everyone. 8. Understand the 6 Human Needs The more you know about what every human being needs, the more equipped you are to use this knowledge to your benefit (and theirs). Comfort Uncertainty/Variety Love Growth Contribution Love/Connection As you can see, 99% of what it takes to avoid being an outcast in college is psychological in nature. And no, that doesn’t mean we think you should be a psych-major. What do you think, did we nail it? Tell us in the comments!

Monday, October 21, 2019

pH, pKa, and the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation

pH, pKa, and the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation The  pH  is  a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in an aqueous solution. pKa (acid dissociation constant) is related, but more specific, in that it helps you predict what a molecule will do at a specific pH. Essentially, pKa tells you what the pH needs to be in order for a chemical species to donate or accept a proton. The  Henderson-Hasselbalch equation describes the relationship between pH and pKa. pH and pKa Once you have pH or pKa values, you know certain things about a solution and how it compares with other solutions: The lower the pH, the higher the concentration of hydrogen ions, [H]. The lower the pKa, the stronger the acid and the greater its ability to donate protons.pH depends on the concentration of the solution. This is important because it means a weak acid could actually have a lower pH than a diluted strong acid. For example, concentrated vinegar (acetic acid, which is a weak acid) could have a lower pH than a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid (a strong acid). On the other hand, the pKa value is a constant for each type of molecule. It is unaffected by concentration.Even a chemical ordinarily considered a base can have a pKa value because the terms acids and bases simply refer to whether a species will give up protons (acid) or remove them (base). For example, if you have a base Y with a pKa of 13, it will accept protons and form YH, but when the pH exceeds 13, YH will be deprotonated and become Y. Because Y removes protons at a pH greater than the pH of neutral water (7), it is cons idered a base. Relating pH and pKa With the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation If you know either pH or pKa you can solve for the other value using an approximation called the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation: pH pKa   log ([conjugate base]/[weak acid])pH pkalog ([A-]/[HA]) pH is the sum of the pKa value and the log of the concentration of the conjugate base divided by the concentration of the weak acid. At half the equivalence point: pH pKa Its worth noting sometimes this equation is written for the Ka value rather than pKa, so you should know the relationship:   pKa -logKa Assumptions That Are Made for the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation The reason the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation is an approximation is because it takes water chemistry out of the equation. This works when water is the solvent and is present in a very large proportion to the [H] and acid/conjugate base. You shouldnt try to apply the approximation for concentrated solutions. Use the approximation only when the following conditions are met: −1  Ã‚  log ([A−]/[HA])  Ã‚  1Molarity of buffers should be 100x greater than that of the acid ionization constant Ka.Only use strong acids or strong bases if the pKa values fall between 5 and 9. Example pKa and pH Problem Find [H] for a solution of 0.225 M NaNO2 and 1.0 M HNO2. The Ka value (from a table) of HNO2 is 5.6 x 10-4. pKa  Ã‚  Ã¢Ë†â€™log  Ka  Ã‚  Ã¢Ë†â€™log(7.4Ãâ€"10−4)  Ã‚  3.14 pH pka log ([A-]/[HA]) pH  Ã‚  pKa  Ã‚  log([NO2-]/[HNO2]) pH  Ã‚  3.14  Ã‚  log(1/0.225) pH  Ã‚  3.14  Ã‚  0.648  Ã‚  3.788 [H]  Ã‚  10−pH  Ã‚  10−3.788  Ã‚  1.6Ãâ€"10−4 pH, pKa, and Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation Key Takeaways The pka is the pH value at which a chemical species will accept or donate a proton.The lower the pKa, the stronger the acid and the greater the ability to donate a proton in aqueous solution.The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation relates pKa and pH. However, it is only an approximation and should not be used for concentrated solutions or for extremely low pH acids or high pH bases. Sources de Levie, Robert. (2003). The Henderson–Hasselbalch Equation: Its History and Limitations. J. Chem. Educ. 80 (2): 146. doi:10.1021/ed080p146Hasselbalch, K. A. (1917). Die Berechnung der Wasserstoffzahl des Blutes aus der freien und gebundenen Kohlensure desselben, und die Sauerstoffbindung des Blutes als Funktion der Wasserstoffzahl. Biochemische Zeitschrift. 78: 112–144.Lawrence J. Henderson (1 May 1908). Concerning the relationship between the strength of acids and their capacity to preserve neutrality (Abstract). Am. J. Physiol. 21 (4): 173–179.Po, Henry N.; Senozan, N. M. (2001). Henderson–Hasselbalch Equation: Its History and Limitations. J. Chem. Educ. 78 (11): 1499–1503. doi:10.1021/ed078p1499

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Differences Between American and British English

Differences Between American and British English While there are certainly many more varieties of English, American English and British English are the two varieties that are taught in most ESL/EFL programs. Generally, it is agreed that no one version is correct, but there are certainly preferences in use. The three major differences between American and British English are: Pronunciation - differences in both vowel and consonants, as well as stress and intonationVocabulary - differences in nouns and verbs, especially phrasal verb usage and the names of specific tools or itemsSpelling - differences are generally found in certain prefix and suffix forms The most important rule of thumb is to try to be consistent in your usage. If you decide that you want to use American English, then be consistent in your spelling (i.e. The color of the orange is also its flavour - color is American spelling and flavour is British). Of course, this is not always easy or possible. The following guide is meant to point out the principal differences between these two varieties of English. Minor Grammar Differences There are very few grammar differences between American and British English. Certainly, the words we choose might be different at times. However, generally speaking, we follow the same grammar rules. With that said, there are a few differences.   Use of the Present Perfect In British English, the present perfect is used to express an action that has occurred in the recent past that has an effect on the present moment. For example: Ive lost my key. Can you help me look for it? In American English, the following is also possible:I lost my key. Can you help me look for it? In British English, the above would be considered incorrect. However, both forms are generally accepted in standard American English. Other differences involving the use of the present perfect in British English and simple past in American English include already, just and yet. British English: Ive just had lunch.Ive already seen that film.Have you finished your homework yet? American English: I just had lunch OR Ive just had lunch.Ive already seen that film OR I already saw that film.Have you finished your homework yet? OR Did you finish your homework yet? Two Forms to Express Possession There are two forms to express possession in English: have or have got. Do you have a car?Have you got a car?He hasnt got any friends.He doesnt have any friends.She has a beautiful new home.Shes got a beautiful new home. While both forms are correct (and accepted in both British and American English), have got (have you got, he hasnt got, etc.) is generally the preferred form in British English, while most speakers of American English employ the have (do you have, he doesnt have etc.) The Verb Get The past participle of the verb get is gotten in American English. American English: Hes gotten much better at playing tennis. British English: Hes got much better at playing tennis. Have got is used predominately in British English to indicate  have in the sense of possession. Strangely, this form is also used in the United States with the British participle got, rather than gotten. Americans will also use have got to in the sense of have to for responsibilities. Ive got to work tomorrow.Ive got three friends in Dallas. Vocabulary The largest  differences between British and American English lie in the choice of vocabulary. Some words mean different things in the two varieties, for example: Mean: American English - angry, bad humored, British English - not generous, tight-fisted. American English: Dont be so mean to your sister! British English: Shes so mean she wont even pay for a cup of tea. There are many more examples (too many for me to list here). If there is a difference in usage, your dictionary will note the different meanings in its definition of the term. Many vocabulary items are also used in one form and not in the other. One of the best examples of this is the terminology used for automobiles. American English - hood / British English - bonnetAmerican English - trunk / British English - bootAmerican English - truck / British English - lorry For a more complete list of the vocabulary differences between British and American English, use this British vs. American English vocabulary tool. Spelling Here are some general differences between British and American spellings: Examples of words that end in -or in American English and -our in British English: color/colour, humor/humour, flavor/flavourExamples of words that end in -ize in American English and -ise in British English: recognize/recognise, patronize/patronise The best way to make sure that you are being consistent in your spelling is to utilize the spell check tool associated with your word processor and select the type of English (American or British) youd like to use.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Writing Reading, and Researching in My Major Essay

Writing Reading, and Researching in My Major - Essay Example Accounting major is a study concerned with the measurement, analysis, evaluation and reporting of information including computerized information which assists the managerial in organizing of the resources of business entities and government organization. The accounting major comprises of both theory and practice to prepare students for analysis and reporting regarding the economic activity of business organizations and communication of that information to managerial heads. In major, the students acquire skill in managerial accounting, accounting system, budgeting, internal contrails, financial analysis, taxation, internal and external auditing, financial reporting and international accounting. The major prepares the student for a range of careers in accounting in business of profit, non – profit and also for government firms. With a major in accounting a person will be able to work efficiently with interdisciplinary professionals and diverse stakeholders. They can interact with financial and non – financial audiences in a concise and clear manner by taking appropriate decision with reliability, relevancy and accusation. They can research on financial matters and analyze business data by applying management and accounting principles and understand the standards that apply to business reports. He a proficiently use current technology and analytical tools to work on business functions work integrally with team and facilitate on decision making. This major helps in taking critical thinking problem solving and validate processes, and analyzing financial data and apply current and emerging ethical standards. However the major in accounting has many requisites and the student who satisfy them can get an admission for the same. The reading done in accounting would be basically conceptual framework of accounting. The financial accounting standards

Friday, October 18, 2019

Persuasive Writing Folio 1250 words 30% Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Persuasive Writing Folio 1250 words 30% - Essay Example I am really excited and honored to proclaim that, the establishment of the hospital in the city. The reasons for constructing this hospital nearby to your town is to give you ease in a framework include all aspects of your life. This hospital offers not only the most basic requirements but it also offers many advanced services and operation facilities as well. This hospital will play an important role in serving the residents of the city in a better way and preventing us from different diseases as well. This hospital will also help in reducing the dependency on other hospitals in the city like Bush hospital and Bendalong Regional hospital. Therefore, it will help you all as you do not have to go too far, plus you do not have to wait for such a long time as the volume of customers will reduce from these hospitals as well. So, with fewer patients it will also help in improving the efficiency and giving more time to patients. I have seen and identified the problem of different patients waiting for their turn at other hospitals in the city and with too much workload; I felt that the doctors were not happily serving each and every patients. Same was the case observed with the support staff. Thus, considering this situation I planned to give a gift to the residents of Bilby by establishing another hospital and after discussion with the ministry and with the efforts of residents of Bilby, today we are have been able to accomplish our dream. The hospital will not only be serving the residents of Bilby but people from different cities and states will also be allowed and encouraged to avail the services of the hospital. In addition to this, the hospital will be helpful in creating more jobs for the residents. Moreover, with better healthcare facilities in the country, it will also encourage other investors to invest in the city and thus the city may see more ventures in near future. In the end I am again inclined to give credit to all of you to be here with me and I am a lso thankful to all of those people who have given their assistance at each stage of this project. Persuasive Writing Plan for Bilby Land Care Pro-environment Campaign 1. Analysing the situation and defining the problems and opportunities you face Situation Analysis: Bilby Land Care group wants to promote the concept of environment preservation and oppose the construction of hospital at the grasslands / graveyard location. The grasslands / graveyard location cannot be used for the construction of hospital as environment is sensitive and it is important to preserve environment and greenery as increasing population growth has negatively affected the overall environment. The grasslands / graveyard location provide support to the growth of grass and other greenery along with orchids which otherwise are extinct in the region. Apart from this it is also essential to preserve and protect the ecological systems and elements which reflects and shows the overall Australian environment and the local species. The graveyard and wetlands provide feasible environment and circumstances for the growth of grass-fog which is also extinct. 2. Outlining your purpose or objectives describing how you intend to measure whether or not these objectives have been reached Purpose: To inform and persuade the members of the Bilby Land Care g

The role and importance of communication to organisational Essay

The role and importance of communication to organisational effectiveness - Essay Example 78-79). The managers make the production process by organizing and communicating to the employees on the area in which person is supposed to be. In regard to this, effectiveness in the production process is improved when the employees are informed on why they have been selected to perform particular tasks and not others. This creates harmony within the organization since they do not view job allocations as a form of oppression but as a way of developing their skills (Leopold et al 2005 p.56). Since organizations constantly change in order to match the varying consumer needs, communication becomes a necessity especially where goods and services are to be produced according to the customer’s specifications. Information flow along the management hierarchy needs to be effective in order for the workers to understand what and for whom to produce. For example, customers may order a specific amount of a particular quantity of product. Since they can not access the employees directly, they have to contact the management who are expected to satisfy their demands. If effective communication is not made to every one concerned in production, employees may end up not producing according to specifications given to the managers (Geoffrey 2004 pp. 34-36). Information regarding a change in production needs to be communicated through the available methods such as group discussions, team work and such so that the employees can discuss and exchange ideas in regard to the changes. Wit hout effective communication, an organization can not accomplish its goals. Communication with in an organization promotes transparency in the organization. It happens that when the employees do not get adequate information from their seniors, it is most likely that they may end up making the wrong decisions or conclusions in critical issues. For example, it is important for the employees to understand the criteria through which the management confers

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Lessons learned Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Lessons learned - Essay Example Unity is the focus on a single idea. Coherence is the intelligibility with the aid of logical and verbal bridges (Purdue OWL, 2007, para 5). Logical bridges are formed when the idea is carried from sentence to sentence. Verbal bridges are formed when keywords are repeated across the paragraph. "A topic sentence is a sentence that indicates in a general way what idea or thesis the paragraph is going to deal with" (Purdue OWL, 2007, para 8). This is a very good example of a topic sentence for a paragraph that describes the importance of the topic sentence. However, this need not necessarily be at the top of the paragraph. In a paragraph, transition sentences are used to connect ideas. A transition used at the end of a paragraph will help the idea flow easily to the next paragraph. Content is undoubtedly the most essential feature of writing, however, what makes the content presentable is grammar and mechanics. The mechanics deal with the conventional rules of writing while grammar with the forms of words and how they relate to each other. For example, using apostrophe in a plural or a singular word (boys' or boy's) is a matter of mechanics, not grammar. Also, choosing the right rhetorical strategy is essential for powerful writing. Exemplification is the strategy of using facts, and description is that of detailing (Shulman, 2004, para 2). Narration, process analysis, comparison, classification, definition, cause-effect analysis and argumentation are others that can be used in different appropriate combinations for different topics. Having chosen the topic, thorough research leads to in-depth knowledge which, again, adds conviction to your writing. Information can be gathered from what others have written (books, journals, etc.), said (interviews, discussions , etc.) and made (software, organizations, etc.) (Dix, 1997, para 16). You have to be aware of the limitations, authenticity and suitability of your chosen methodology. If written sources suit scientific research, it may be a survey that suits market research. The study of the techniques and strategies and the practical assignments have helped immensely in improving my writing from being just prosy to being more powerful, convincing, interesting and effective. References Dix, A, (1997). Research techniques. In Research and Innovation Techniques. Retrieved August 8, 2008, from Shulman, L. E. (2004). Rhetorical strategies of essay writing. Retrieved August 8, 2008, from APA and Styles Academic writing is a result of in-depth research into already published sources, relevant references, logical interpretation and subjective summarization. There are several established and accepted styles for writing, the rules of which are to be diligently followed

IT - Operation Aurora Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

IT - Operation Aurora - Research Paper Example This cyber security and the increasing cyber crime had been the greatest concern for the present as well as for the future generation. A study made in the year 2003 in the United States of America revealed that 31 percent of the respondents considered this cyber security as the second most concern after the misappropriation of the individual assets. Moreover over 15 percent among the respondents have experienced the threat of cyber security in the last two years facing a loss which most of them could not quantify in actual. However on an average measurement of the total financial cost for the last two years incurred in cyber crime valued to be about 812,318, US dollars (Smith, Grabosky, & Urbas, 2004, p. 15). Thus the paper focus on cyber security with the main focuses on Operation Aurora. Type of breach Viruses in the computer system, defacement or the alteration of the websites along with system crashes and redirection or even misappropriation of the resources of the system are som e of the breaches generally reported in regards to the cyber security (Smith, Grabosky, an Urbas, 2004, p. 15). Morgan Stanley underwent a "sensitive breach" where hackers attempted to enter its complex for six months, starting from June 2009 (Rashid, 2011). Circumstances of the occurrence of breach Operation Aurora is a large scale hacking that victimized even Google and Morgan Stanley along with about 200 other companies with most of their identities not yet revealed. They had made the breach occurring in Google public in the month of January 2010. However they kept the hacking of the company of DuPont secret. Fear of the affect on the investors of the company in revealing the hacking or the breach was the reason behind the secrecy maintained by the company to the public. The seriousness of the issue of this cyber hacking forced the white house in engaging a senate task force for reporting and investigating in the security issues of this cyber world. The recent trend of the online attacks in targeting the renowned international companies reveals the cyber insecurity of the corporate world. In order to prevent the dangerous trend from persisting and even increasing the companies have to undertake own initiative in ensuring steps for the security of their own data served online. According to the Whitehouse, theft and piracy are engaging in the transfer of wealth that is the biggest in the planet history and the victim companies stands on the ultimate losing end. Another incident of an attack launched in the year 2009 that had the Chinese base had targeted the energy companies. The security firm of McAfee reported the attack named as â€Å"Night Dragon†. However the identity of the targeted company was not disclosed by the report published by McAfee. But the emails of the company of HBGary Federal had with it the lists of the name of the targeted companies. According to the lists the companies were Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch Shell, General Electric, Marath on oil along with ConocoPhillips and BP. (Liebowitz, 2011) Operation Aurora even imposes a break in the network security of the bank, Morgan Stanley. A company of cyber security working with the corporate bank had their very sensitive email stolen which indicates the experience of the hacking of the ‘China based hackers’

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Lessons learned Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Lessons learned - Essay Example Unity is the focus on a single idea. Coherence is the intelligibility with the aid of logical and verbal bridges (Purdue OWL, 2007, para 5). Logical bridges are formed when the idea is carried from sentence to sentence. Verbal bridges are formed when keywords are repeated across the paragraph. "A topic sentence is a sentence that indicates in a general way what idea or thesis the paragraph is going to deal with" (Purdue OWL, 2007, para 8). This is a very good example of a topic sentence for a paragraph that describes the importance of the topic sentence. However, this need not necessarily be at the top of the paragraph. In a paragraph, transition sentences are used to connect ideas. A transition used at the end of a paragraph will help the idea flow easily to the next paragraph. Content is undoubtedly the most essential feature of writing, however, what makes the content presentable is grammar and mechanics. The mechanics deal with the conventional rules of writing while grammar with the forms of words and how they relate to each other. For example, using apostrophe in a plural or a singular word (boys' or boy's) is a matter of mechanics, not grammar. Also, choosing the right rhetorical strategy is essential for powerful writing. Exemplification is the strategy of using facts, and description is that of detailing (Shulman, 2004, para 2). Narration, process analysis, comparison, classification, definition, cause-effect analysis and argumentation are others that can be used in different appropriate combinations for different topics. Having chosen the topic, thorough research leads to in-depth knowledge which, again, adds conviction to your writing. Information can be gathered from what others have written (books, journals, etc.), said (interviews, discussions , etc.) and made (software, organizations, etc.) (Dix, 1997, para 16). You have to be aware of the limitations, authenticity and suitability of your chosen methodology. If written sources suit scientific research, it may be a survey that suits market research. The study of the techniques and strategies and the practical assignments have helped immensely in improving my writing from being just prosy to being more powerful, convincing, interesting and effective. References Dix, A, (1997). Research techniques. In Research and Innovation Techniques. Retrieved August 8, 2008, from Shulman, L. E. (2004). Rhetorical strategies of essay writing. Retrieved August 8, 2008, from APA and Styles Academic writing is a result of in-depth research into already published sources, relevant references, logical interpretation and subjective summarization. There are several established and accepted styles for writing, the rules of which are to be diligently followed

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Being a doctor has severaldisadvantages that makes it a questionable Research Paper

Being a doctor has severaldisadvantages that makes it a questionable career choice - Research Paper Example small percentage (0.5%) can perform hemodialysis with special equipment at home and this is risky due to the increased possibility of infection and the requirement of having a very motivated patient. ESRD facilities are reimbursed mostly by Medicare part A (after the first 30 days). In fact, the vast majority of over 90% of dialysis patients covers this way. The patient’s physician is reimbursed through Medicare part B. Reimbursement coding at the facility is done using the International Classification of the Disease, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM), while the physicians submits for reimbursement using the Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System (HCPCS). Data collected by the facility and physician play a critical role in the patients ongoing treatment plan. These environments are a uniquely challenging setting too many due to the very nature of the population needing services. Another challenge our health care doctors face is the deficit of nurses who assist them in treatment of patients. Part of this shortage is due to the lack of infrastructure. In the academic year of 2010-2011, 67,563 qualified students were not admitted into nursing schools due to the lack of faculty, training facilities and other budget constraints and this is a clear indication that unless there is improvement in the infrastructure, such as state and national funding, that there could be a collapse in the nursing educational system (Dunham, 2009). An increase in population has also caused the need for more doctors. The number of nurses is not growing at the same rate as that of the population. The lack of younger students moving into the field of nursing is also a primary concern. The current age of a Registered Nurse is between 43 and 45 years of age. In the next ten to fifteen years, these nurses will reach retirement age, which will only add to the current shortage (Williams & Torrens, 2010). Higher spending costs. The development of new treatments for previously

Drugs and Their Effect on Society Essay Example for Free

Drugs and Their Effect on Society Essay Drugs have been a long standing issue in this country from sniff and cocaine as one of the main ingredients in Coca-Cola and opium dens in much of the west coast till in recent years of prescription drugs being sold illegally. It wasn’t till the early 1900’s has drugs been addressed as habit forming and legislation being implemented to curtail addition and violence that can go hand-and-hand with the drug trade culture. The history of drugs in this country can go as far back as the Native Americans sharing the peace pipe with the Pilgrims. Drugs have taken many different forms within American society from what may have originally been used in the form of something as innocent as a soft drink (the original ingredients in Cocoa-Cola) and in forms of ailing some sort of deficiency that originally was prescribed by doctors can eventually be abused. In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s Chinese’s immigrants brought over opium and created opium dens in much part of the west coast where the drug itself left the user in a euphoric and mind and mood altering state. In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s with the hippie cultural, much part of the society was introduced to drugs like psychedelics which would be considered LSD and other drugs with heavy usage like mushrooms, marijuana and hashish and in other forms of society like the inner cities heroin pelage the communities with how highly addictive and deadly the drug came to be with heavy use. In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s cocaine became the prominent drug in club the atmospheres of disco techs and later became in the form of crack cocaine that pelage major cities around the U. S. with addiction and violence over the drug trade. In the early 1990’s till recent years many perception drugs and meth have been highly addictive and have been a part of the illegal drug trade. The DEA was established in 1973 that was assisted by President Richard Nixon in its creation as a form of a task force with combating drug smuggling and use within the United States of all the drugs deemed illegally additive or dangerous. â€Å"Controlled substances are generally grouped according to both pharmacological and legal criteria into the following seven categories: stimulants, depressants, cannabis, narcotics, hallucinogens, anabolic steroids and inhalants. (Schmalleger, 2012, p. 341) By federal law these categories are deemed illegal from use or distribution; stimulants: cocaine and amphetamines; cannabis: cannabis plants, hashish, hashish oil and marijuana; narcotics: codeine, Dilaudid, heroin, methadone, morphine and opium; hallucinogens: belladonna, LSD, Ectstasy (MDMA), mescaline, MDA and PCP; anabolic steroids: nandrolene, oxandrolene, oxmetholone and stanozolol; inhalants: acetate, amyl nitrite, butyl nitrite, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, Freon, nitrous oxide and toluene. Trafficking is a form of distribution of illegal drugs through the means of either smuggling which is the illegal shipment of controlled substances across state and national boundaries in many different methods like shipment overland, direct shipments to U. S. ports concealed in containers or packed with legitimate products, flights onto United States commercial airplanes or private aircrafts and airdrops to vessels waiting offshore to smuggle drugs into the U. S. boarders. The DEA follows different routes used by traffickers and one of the methods to track the occurrences is the Heroin Signature Program (HSP) is a Drug Enforcement Administration program that employs special chemical analyses to identify and measure chemical constituents of sample of seized heroin. Border patrols have protected the boarders to ensure that traffickers are disparaged from attempting to smuggle in their products. The supply and demand has kept smugglers in business because as long as there is a need for their product by the users and suppliers; distributors of the drugs will find new and advanced methods of smuggling in drugs. Government agencies have enacted different policies to somehow impact drug abuse like the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 which required manufactures to list their ingredients and specifically targeted mood-altering chemicals. The Harrison Act was passed in 1914 which was the first federal anti-drug legislation that required anyone dealing in cocaine, heroin and morphine and other drugs to register with the federal government and pay a tax of $1 per year with the authorized the registration of only those in the medical profession and outlawing the street use and street distribution of these drugs. In 1956 the Narcotic Control Act increased penalties for drug traffickers and made the sale of heroin to anyone under the age of 18 a capital offense. In 1970 the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act established five schedules that classified psycho-activity and potential for abuse. In 1988 the Anti-Drug Abuse Act proclaimed the goal for a â€Å"drug-free America by 1995 by increased penalties for drug users and made weapon purchases by drug dealers much more difficult. The goal of drug control acts are to battle illegal drugs from use and distribution by anti-drug legislation and strict enforcement, interdiction, crop control, asset forfeiture and antidrug education and drug treatment. Conclusion Early legislation against drug abuse focused on eradicating the wide spread problem of drugs in numerous of ways like requiring companies to list their ingredients on their products if it may alter the users mood or brain chemistry, taxation on drug companies, making harsher drugs illegal for sale or distribution and harsher sentencing for those whom distribute illegal drugs. Since numerous types of legislation; the focus has been much in fact on punishment and less on rehabilitation which has caused a financial strain on society and has given a stigma upon those involved in the drug trade or an abuser of these substances.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Technology Entrepreneurship in Malaysia

Technology Entrepreneurship in Malaysia INTRODUCTION Technology entrepreneurship is a recent field which has its roots in the now established field of entrepreneurship. The aims is to study the specificities of entrepreneurial activities in technology-intensive environments. Thus the technoprenuer is different form the entrepreneurship because needs the understanding of the concept of technological opportunity seen as an anticipated profitable business so as to enable researchers and practitioners to develop procedural knowledge. Moreover, technopreneur seems to involve both high potential future profits and high uncertainty which means have been implemented the creation and early growth of high tech ventures. The lack of funding and support are sort being discuss in the technology-based industry, so an example Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd is an agency under the Ministry of Finance, Malaysia, has their own objective to support and provide an ecosystem that help the technology entrepreneur. Through their program to initiate as the provider of the early stage funding that innovate and aspiring the technology-based entrepreneur by encourage, support, stimulate and nurture the development of Malaysian entrepreneurship in high growth technology industries and the generation of ideas for an innovative knowledge-based society and economy. We can see the success that have been achieved, for example, The Unified Alert Messaging System, which has achieved sales of above RM100,000 and is expanding its market overseas, is designed for ease of use by both small and medium sized businesses and corporations. According to Jeffrey Tan, the leader of the team that developed the Unified Alert Messaging System, an enterprise-level unified alert messaging system that grew from the WebNiche UAM (WebNiche Unified Alert Messaging) says the innovation is a natural extension of their business model. Tan says their first project provided unified communications services to SMEs, where they noticed a lot more potential if they could move up the value chain to offer hosted contact center solutions to corporations and public sectors. Those example should encourage the young technopreneur to more success and generate more idea to overlapping the advancement of the technology industry. FINDINGS The call for the Malaysian society to be a highly-technocratic one is not a new idea. In his Vision 2020 working paper in 1991, former premier Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad highlighted the need to establish ‘a scientific and progressive society’ as the sixth challenge out of nine outlined in the national agenda. In Budget 2011 tabled by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak last year, the government would provide the ‘Entrepreneurship Enhancement Training Program to train 500 new technopreneurs and attract more investors. Additionally, the Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC) would be provided with a startup fund amounting to RM100 million to furnish soft loans that allowed loan repayments only after companies had generated income. Obviously, the government wanted to see more technopreneurs running the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the country. â€Å"SMEs had to grow at about 8.5 per cent annually in order to contribute about 41 percent to Malaysia’s gross domestic product (GDP) by 2020,† stated SME Corporation Malaysia’s (SME Corp) chief executive officer Datuk Hafsah Hashim recently. As futuristic as it may sound, a technopreneur is basically an entrepreneur with both business and technical training background or one who applies technology and innovation as the business core operating model. In Malaysia, this branch of enterprise is usually represented by ICT and multimedia SMEs, either at seed level or already over the startup stage. According to Bank Negara Malaysia, a general definition of an SME refers to an enterprise with shareholders’ funds of less than RM10 million. On the other hand, SME Corp stated that an enterprise that generated an annual sales turnover not exceeding RM25 million and with full time employees not exceeding 150 people was considered an SME. â€Å"Its contribution to the country’s economy remains significant,† stated SME Corp’s Hafsah. The Technopreneurs Association of Malaysia â€Å"TeAM† has been formed by a group of Malaysian Technopreneurs to further the interests of Technopreneurs and to assist in the development of the technology based industry in Malaysia. Membership to TeAM is open to all individuals related to technology industry in Malaysia. Membership to TeAM is divided into 3 types namely, Member, Honorary Member and Student Member. Since its founding, TeAM’s efforts in accelerating the adoption, growth and development of the ICT industry in Malaysia has resulted in a number of successful key initiatives such as the Cradle Investment Programme (CIP), Excite the Entrepreneur Programme, TeAM Clinic, Malayisan ICT Trade Directory (with Matrade), MSC Global Technopreneur Forum 2004 (with MDeC formerly known as MDC) among others.At the same time, TeAM takes an active role in fostering ICT development efforts in support of initiatives by the Government of Malaysia to make Malaysia a major ICT and Biotechnology player in the region. TeAM annually participates in the Malaysian Government’s annual budget dialogue and proposed ideas and initiatives to enhance the technopreneur sector in the country. IMPACT AND INFLUENCES Malaysian technopreneurs are likely to face an uphill climb growing their businesses this year due to several ongoing challenges, say industry observers. The lack of seed-stage funding, slowdown in global economy, shortage of innovative ideas and absence of relevant skillsets, will hinder the countrys tech entrepreneurs expansion plans this year. Cradle Fund CEO Nazrin Hassan said there is still a gap, commonly known as go-to- market funding, which exists for companies between the pre-seed and seed stage of commercialization. Established in 2003 by the Malaysian government under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance, Cradle provides pre-seed funding and advice to Malaysian technopreneurs. Deepening and expanding market access for local technopreneurs to secure deals and contracts still remain a major challenge, be it locally or overseas, said Nazrin, who is also the former president of the Technopreneur Association of Malaysia (TeAM). He noted that about 80 percent of local technopreneurs are at the early stage of development, but many of them cannot grow further due to the lack of funds. There is a gap that exists between the pre-seed and seed stage of funding, he explained. Pre-seed funds only help technopreneurs to develop their ideas, but good ideas will need a bridge to get to the next level. Nazrin said. According to Michael Ta, CEO of the FSBM Groups multimedia arm, technopreneurship in Malaysia is often about positioning the right people, in the right places to secure a project. This is why many local technopreneurs only do well in Malaysia but not when they are pitted against the other players in the world arena, Ta told ZDNet Asia in an e-mail interview. The Malaysian IT services company has made inroads in China with Java- based mobile applications. According to Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry (MITI), â€Å"The Malaysian government has consistently urged the SMEs and the industries to innovate and utilize technology and ICT solutions to remains competitive as a way of charting a new path out of the present global economic turmoil†. He also added that ICT industry is the main pillars of the Malaysian economy and the New Economic Model (NEM). He also stressed that the development of the local entrepreneur were the crucial to position Malaysia as a developed status nation by 2020. He also mention that the SME should adopt the abundance enterprise software as a management tools, content and data delivery mechanism to increase their efficiency and effectiveness. DISCUSSION Technology industry is still in early stage in Malaysia and still in developing. The government should give huge essential toward the technology industrial because it can generate tremendous profit and growth of economic. Our product are still in the in research and try to penetrate the market as well try to fit in the technology advancement. According to this issue Malaysia still lack knowledge and funding compare to Japan and Korea that mostly have full facilities and high technology. Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC), the custodian of the Multimedia Super Corridor Malaysia (MSC Malaysia) initiative, launched the ‘Icon2 – Second MSC Malaysia Integrated Content Development Program’, the sequel of the first content development program. Similarly to its predecessor, Icon2 would furnish local developers with the skills and means including the startup capital to create content-based products. The program was also initiated to provide a platform for the younger generation to play an active role in the country’s transformation into a fully-digital economy, following the target outlined in the Economic Transformation Program (ETP). Furthermore, Malaysia still lack of training and expertise in the development of the technology. Lack of conventional training and support also become barrier to development of industrial-based technology, there for the youth generation should have early exposure regards technology as we can generate more technpreneurs in the future that can globalize the Malaysian towards technology. Last but not least, developing THE Technopreneur Center (TEC) to play the role of an information Center that spreads information about technopreneur development and commercializing technology. TEC will create a synergy with activities that is being organized by other units in the university and any place of study. RECOMMENDATIONS First of all, the technopreneur flagship should have their own representative on their committees entrepreneur that have involve in the technology industry. To make sure this can encourage more technopreneur show their interest efficiently represented and the more representative should be extended in the flagship application. Therefore the MSC should success to ensure that broadband access are available nationwide, which means allow ICT companies enjoy pioneer status and tax incentives. Next, Malaysia need showcase locally breed technopreneur winner. Aside from the publicity, Malaysia should highlight the viable ICT business environment to foreign investors. By these the government should introduce sponsored programmes on the development that aims and sharpen the new technopreneur business skills, this will facilitate buyers to sources for expertise among technopreneur. The government also need playing field by channeling the bidding of some government contracts to certain classes of startup companies while excluding establish companies, this will show the government act as catalyst. Moreover, technopreneur need to be more resourceful and exhaust all available sources of fund before seeking institutional funds. Friends and families intend to invest in the early stages. There is agency that help the technopreneur to understand ICT and promote funds to the industries, such as TeAM or any others government agencies. They also need to create their own forum to match international financiers with Malaysian ICT companies. By establishing a virtual web forum to aggregate and promote Malaysian business can be interest the investor that can cause an impact. They also should create an one stop agency that assist technopreneur to apply for various grants and other government aids. Furthermore, technopreneur should work together with existing development authorities in traditional sectors such as Malaysian External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) and Malaysian embassies abroad to collectivity market local ICT companies. As ICT is enabling technology that transcends various industries to develop marketing channels into Malaysia. With this establish Malaysian sponsored exhibition booths at major international trade fairs where local technopreneurs can participate more affordably by sharing costs. As current government sponsored exhibits are not well publicized, that ensure these initiatives are communicates down all entrepreneurs Lastly, government should grants assist Malaysian companies to create the necessary software support infrastructure in foreign markets that may be shared with others Malaysian companies in pooled basis. For start, regional markets that are closer to Malaysia should be targeted. With the foreign competitor have better resources and marketing tools, local entrepreneur need to find a place that takes advantages of local expertise and product that have local comparative advantages. By all these we can develop more technopreneur in technology-based industry. CONCLUSION Technology-based industry has reached all corners of the world. There are a lot achievement and success have been made appeals to emotions and drive decisions. With numerous programmes set up by the government to develop ideas into products, all parties should team up to take these ideas to next stage of full commercialization. On the support provider’s side, the government and its respective agencies should promote these programmes more aggressively. On the recipients’ side, they should explore more which meant they must ask around, seek around and act. Prime Minister Najib summed it quite poignantly during the launch of the 23rd MSC Malaysia Implementation Council Meeting in October. â€Å"Do we want to just be achieving what is expected; or do we want to springboard ahead of the pack?†. Thus, government support is needed necessary, as the local technopreneurs are definitely not in the same league as other global technology-bases industry entrepreneurs. BIBLIOGRAPHY SHARIZA ABDULLAH  ON 27TH OCTOBER 2014 Cradle 2014 TeAM 2014. Bernama. Mohd Abdullah Jusoh, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia Hazianti Abdul Halim, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia : Role of Technopreneurs in Malaysian Economic Abdul talib bon : NEW MODEL AND CONCEPT FOR TECHNOPRENEURSHIP STUDIES IN UNIVERSITY THROUGH EXCELLENCE CENTER Handbook of Research on Techno-Entrepreneurship : Franà §ois Thà ©rin Edwin Yapp, ZDNet Asia. Malaysian technopreneurs are likely to face an uphill climb growing their businesses this year due to several ongoing challenges, say industry observers.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Fight Club :: essays research papers

Hey Dave How about relating them to fight club by talking about the underside to consumerism e.g. there's consumption but then there's waste. Here's some suggestions:- * Commodities - judge yourself on what you own not who you are - the ikea thing as the space he inhabits and his identity is owned by the catalogue * Waste - 1) the fat they steal from that medical place 2) Tyler peeing in soup (can't remember whether that's book or film) Therefore, with consumer culture there's this constant cycle of consumption and waste. An interesting idea, though i'm ot sure that it's relevant is that Tyler acts as a representative between consumption and waste as he reuses it (the peeing and fat to make soap!!!) Cool huh? Anyway here's the link to Warhol!! Andy Warhol's work in fact turns centrally around commodification with the billboard images of Coca Cola or the Campbell's soup can. However, unlike earlier modernist artists whose work screams out meaning and depth of interpretation, Warhol's does not. Instead, Warhol offers a deathly quality to his art. The external coloured surface of his works when stripped away reveals the deathly black and white photographic negative . In a nut shell his work lacks depth as does the whole commodification issue in postmodern america underneath the glossy adverts and posters lies a blank. What something looks like is more important than what it means. Therefore, the link could be aesthetics over meaning. The narrator in Fight club confuses being with having due to advertisements (Warhol) as the self is founded on furniture and fashion. The commodity fetish is played out here and it is tyler that wants to remind the narrator about their bodies and themselves rather than what they own! In conclusion (lol) Warhol can be used as an example of commodification the glossy images that imitate the product but have no depth and are only about aesthetics what the product looks like and then fight club plays this out and shows the underside to it. Hope this helps And I am fine. Trying to plough my way through

Friday, October 11, 2019

Communication in Distributed Agile Development: A Case Study :: Technology, Software Development

Distributed software development (DSD)1 is becoming a common practice in modern software industry [e.g. 1], where the level of distribution can range from team members being located in the same city to those on different continents [2]. The significance of DSD has accelerated because of factors such as improving timetomarket through constant development across different timezones, quick formation of virtual teams and the benefits of business market advantages. These needs have driven the software development efforts further towards a multisite globally distributed environment. [1] Simultaneously, several studies have concluded that distributed enterprises are risky [e.g. 35]. For example, communication and coordination, software quality, schedule overruns and exceeded costs are some of the problems troubling both singlesite and distributed software projects. However, the extent of the problem in the case of DSD seems to be so complex that a thorough understanding of it has not yet been defined. [3, 4] Several studies agree that communication is a particularly important issue in distributed agile development, [e.g. 57]. Agile methods rely on volatile requirements that are managed through efficient verbal communication [8] and thus agile software development methods pose their own challenges to the field of DSD. In order to tackle the problems of DSD, several different techniques have been proposed. These techniques range from using different tools, such as instant messaging [9], videoconferencing [10] and whiteboard software [5] to a set of more general recommendations [5]. We conducted two different case studies with different levels of distribution ranging from the customer being in the same city, to one with a geographical distribution of 600 kilometers within the same country. Therefore, cultural differences were not an issue in these cases. We compared our findings against the recommendations of Layman et al. [5] and provide more insight on their application based on our empirical findings and the existing literature. Even though we were able to evaluate only three recommendations out of the existing four, our contribution provides valuable insight into conducting distributed agile projects. Our results further emphasize the critical role of effective communication, indicating that inefficient and irregular communication in conjunction with volatile requirements can cause severe problems even in very smallscale agile projects. However, it seems that effective communication is not the key. Our cases suggest that having a welldefined customer2 is the key recommendation affecting to recommendations about having a Development Manager [5] and using asynchronous communication channels. As ineffective customer collaboration may render the other recommendations redundant, effective customer collaboration seems to be a key factor for successful distributed agile development. In addition, we complement the existing recommendations by introducing an additional recommendation: i.e. enable and support direct communication between the developers. Unexpectedly, the teams in the second case were not allowed to communicate directly with each other. To compensate, a managementled communication channel was established to balance the communication flow,

A Competition I Have Participated In Essay

When I was a little boy/girl, I was interested in impromptu speech competition. I wondered their speaking skill and body movements. They were very smart in my eyes. When they were on the stage, they had no fear and they competed like an ideal student. So, I made my mind that, one day, I will be on that stage and show my welled-trained skill in front of many students. I will be an ideal student and I will persuade my juniors made their mind like I did. It is very difficult to participate in impromptu speech competition. Firstly, student who wants to participate must be welled-known his or her title. And then, he must find useful data and information for his title. And he must compose words how will he say in the competition. He, however, cannot compete only by speaking, he must make body movements to complete his competition. The most important point is that he must not be afraid of stage. People use to fear when they are in front of many people and they have to present something. So, I was preparing for all of that fact. One day, my class teacher made an announcement. It was that there would be an impromptu speech competition. Student who wanted to participate, warmed her. So, I gave her my name in a great pleasure. I had my titles of speech and I started to find useful information as much as I could. I was so nervous to compete. But I was so happy. I trained very hard with my topic. My friends helped me and I presented my topic in front of them and they made suggestions. When I thought I was perfect, I went to my class teacher and presented to her. And then, she made a grammatical wrong correction and made useful suggestion. The competition fell on and many students were crowed in the school compound. They were very interested in the competition and they predicted the winner. The competitors held a piece of paper and practiced with their topic. After a short time, the announcer announced that the competition started. After the headmistress said a few words, each of the competitors started to compete. The competition was very active. After one competitor had finished, the applause was very loud. All of the competitors were welled-trained and very smart. Their presentations were very interesting and everyone cannot help listening to it. At that time, my turn fell on and I went onto the stage. I drew lots and my title was â€Å" how will youth overcome the challenge of knowledge age†. It was my best preparation. When I was presenting my topic, everyone was quiet and listening. I was very graceful in my mind and my dream came true. Although I won the second prize, I was very pleased because it was my first competition and the first prize winner was smarter and more welled-trained than me. Through the passage of time, I participate in many kinds of competitions. But I shall never forget my first competition and I am proud of it.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Belief System Introduction

Belief System Introduction Each country has its own culture as each person has his/her own religion. Belief system of a person or a society is the set of beliefs that they have about what things are right, wrong and what things are true, false. The personal beliefs of us play a small part in each religion, which it points out the special of it that no others can have. Religion is certainly a type of belief system, but not all belief systems are religion. Each individual person has different types of belief system, hence, the ways their behaviors are and the ways they act are different.But when that individual person Join in a specific religion, he/she needs to follow all typical laws or rules that that religion has made and created. For society: a group of people that has the same belief system will have the same acts together, forming a basic standard for that society. Due to different religion, that group of people will have different ways of solving problems. For example: when the re is a disadvantage as a difficult circumstance, the Buddhists will organize a donated campaign where people can help each other to bring up the society, making it more and more better.Last but not east, things usually go the way it decided to go and so sometimes we become conscious with everything around us. Along the Journey of life, we will be able to find out what and where we want to become. Hence, belief system is an actual set of precepts, which our daily gives us words, actions and thoughts in life. Belief system can refer to [1] A religion- the belief in and worship of a god or gods, or a set of beliefs concerning the origin and purpose of the universe. A philosophy – a personal outlook our viewpoint.An ideology – a set of idea that constitutes one's goal, expectation and actions. It is a ay of looking at things and theorizes of a visionary or impractical nature. [1] Global/ International Perspective Depend on each region, each area, each ethnic and each fami ly; an individual person choose for his/her own religion, as it should be suitable with their mind, and they like to be apart of the religion. They must be instructed in an appropriate way and a right way and they have the rights to choose whether they want to be in the religion or not.There is no force in this. It should also depend on How they act What they do How they treat things (interact with others) MAJOR RELIGION IN THE WORLD 1. Buddhism [3] [4] [5] Buddhism focuses on the development of a personal spirit. The number of Buddhists in the world at between 230 million and 500 million is making it the world's fourth-largest religion. Buddhists believe that life should not be destroyed Buddhists take responsibilities for what they do and the results they receive.Buddhists try not to harm living things, try to have a kind-hearted and always control feeling and think clearly before doing a thing Buddhists are required to have equal respect to all living things. Buddhists go to pago da, temple to pray for good. All temples represent for 5 elements, which is: Fire, Water, Wisdom, Earth, Air and hey have a statue of Buddha. 2. Hinduism About 900 million persons or 14 percent of the world's population follow Hinduism. It is world's 3rd largest religion in the world Major religion in India (80%) and Nepal Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world.Hindus believe in a Supreme God. Hindus believe that life is a cycle of birth. We born, we death and reborn. Hindus believe that successful life depends on how the previous life was lived. Hindus believe that killing a baby that hasn't born yet is worse than killing parents. But also because boy is more prefer women may choose to abort the baby to prevent new baby girl would be born. Most Hindus are vegetarians and they don't eat beef. 3. Islam With 1. 57 billion Muslims, Islam is the second-largest religion in the world.People who follow Islam are called Muslim Muslims believe that God sent prophets Jesus, Moses and Ab raham) down to teach them the way of living. Muslims believe that their final prophet was Muhammad. Muslims believe in angels. Muslims believe they have only one God is Allah and Allah was the one who created all living things. Muslims who are women are allowed to get abortion because Muslims believe the women are responsible for it and they are originators who give earth for the baby. Muslims believe animals exist for a benefit of human beings and they are not allowed to harm or treat them bad. . Christianity [1 2. 1 billion Followers bring Christianity to be the world's biggest religion. People who follow Christianity are called Christian. Christianity focuses on the teaching of Jesus Christ who believed are the Son of God. Christians believe God had created animal for human to use so Christians are allowed to treat animals whatever the way they want to. In the old time Now, Christians believe they have to treat animals kindly due to they are weaker than us, ND God created animals to live a harmony live with human.They deserve to be respected somehow and treated generous. They read, learn and follow things from the Bible. Valentine is the most popular which everyone not only Christian know about this day 14 February which came from Saint Valentine. The cross symbol of the Christian is one of the most powerful symbols in the world which you can see it everywhere in your daily life. You even wear them on your body. Christians usually go to church on weekend to show their love and obedience to God, to build up their spirit strength ND to provide fellowship with other Christians. 1 *Almost every religion has some sort of principle that says we should treat our fellow man kindly. Furthermore, many religions go a step further and give specific instructions on how we should care for the poor and downtrodden in society. Atheism The road to atheism tends to be very personal and individual, based upon the specific circumstances of a person's life, experiences, and att itudes. Nevertheless, it is possible to describe some general similarities, which tend to be common among quite a few atheists, particularly atheists in the West.Atheism is characterized by an absence of belief in the existence of gods. This absence of belief generally comes about either through deliberate choice, or from an inherent inability to believe religious teachings that seem literally incredible. It is not a lack of belief born out of simple ignorance of religious teachings. Globalization affect to belief system Globalization refers to connect worldwide together, creates relationship between people and makes them become more familiar with each other.People from different region and areas can easy know about each other and how they are doing in other part of the world. Globalization also is the expansion of global linkages, the organization of social life on a global scale, and the growth of a global consciousness, hence to the consolidation of world society. Globalization a ffects culture because when people of different cultures and from different places come together and shares what they have; they get to know each other. They bring back what they have learned and it enters into society and culture.If we focus on the cultural consequences of â€Å"globalization†, we see positive and negative effects. Through globalization, people are not indiscriminate like in the past. Nowadays, through traveling, Internet, high technology, free flow of information, people have more logical and scientific reason to be sure in their belief. It is somehow can not explain all the original of a problem but it helps people to know whether that thing is right or wrong to believe in. Beside the positive aspects of globalization is its negative aspect: CONFLICT between nations.Conflict doesn't mean that there has to be a fight between nations, it could be arise from two different belief systems. For example: The Arab-Israeli Conflict is act of hostility and political tensions have lasted about a century. It involves the establishment of the modern State of Israel, as well as the establishment and independence of many Arab countries during the same period, and relations between Arab countries and Israel The conflict between Islam and the West: The continuous violence of Muslims around the world to publish the cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad.All of this violence, whether or not excited by the extremist Islamic group, showed a strong rise of the Islamic spirit, and challenge the dominance of Western civilization. Muslim conflict – the West has and continues to emerge as the main trends of world politics in the 21st century. Solutions: _Promote Dialogue Youth Hanoi could strengthen traveling to visit an Islamic country or China to exchange through seminars and conferences. Cultural Exchange: tourists visit to Western Country _Mutual Learning _Exchange experiences _Organize training courses All of these actions enhance exchanges and mutual un derstanding and exchange of neutral understanding. Different belief system can bring different ways of doing things such as many people in the world nowadays think that same-sex marriage is Just a normal things. But for some people and parents, they think it's not acceptable and they do not allow it to append to their children or their relatives.This is one of the problems that are happening in the world also. Local/National Perspective Vietnamese belief system Vietnam is a country with many forms of belief and religion. Vietnam is very convenient with connecting culture, religions with other countries in the world because of its position located. 5] At present, in Vietnam, there are about 75 % of the population have their own belief system, of which millions in 76 millions total followers of 6 religions, but most of the population are non-religious. Buddhism: 10 millions followers Christian: > 5. Millions followers Protestantism: 60. 000 followers Muslim: 1 million followers Ho Hay Buddhism: 1. 3 millions followers Cacao Dad: 2. 4 millions followers. Vietnamese belief system can refer to many factors Culture Position located Family perspective & Personal perspective Rules/Laws In Vietnam, we celebrate both New Year Events and Lunar New Year that maybe only China has the same traditional. During Et Holiday, the young children will receive lucky money that will bring them luck for the whole year that include good health, well-doing in education etc.We also have spirit money and lucky items that we always bring it beside us. We consider it as something will protect and bring luck to us. In Vietnam, people usually work in a group, they listen to other opinions to consider whether it's right or wrong, they sometimes need proof for their belief. Hence, from there, they believe and follow what they informed about. We can hardly distinguish the Vietnamese Culture because it is the mixture of many belief system, values due to the influences of neighboring countries.Ev en Vietnam is not a rich country but the Vietnamese people are very easily integrated. We seem to have one common belief system is that in every situation, whether we are at home, school or many, respect is always the very important to show how we behave. We have our own freedom to believe in what we think is right beside rules and laws that have applied to follow. Parents in Vietnam believe the age when they can be sure that their children are fully grow-up is 22 right after they finish university, however, their children are consider adults once they reach the age of 18.The mother in Vietnam also really hard to allow their daughter to go out lately at night and commonly, they usually don't accept for them to sleep over their friend's house when they are monger than 18, the mother believe that it's not appropriate and it should not happen if you are a girl. Even though we have many different belief systems in our country, maybe in a small community also, but we don't have and show any bad attitudes to others. We respect it, and we know that each person can have his/her own religions, they might think the way we never do, but they don't as we either.More important, what they do don't usually effect our lives. Family/Personal Perspective I am not really Buddhist but I read book and I follow some of the rules that Buddha teaches. I feel that all of those things are right and I believe that it is good for me to learn it. What I believe is not really same as my family, but somehow, because I am not fully-grown up yet so I can't really make my own choice. But in my opinion, the life now is very different from the life of few decades ago, so the way my parents think cannot be same as young people now.I have some of my friends who are Christian. We have a lot of not common things such as I go to temple but they go to church. They believe in Jesus Christ but we believe in Buddha. And there are many of the things they do different from me. I think it is important to st udy to understand the relationship of belief system to social behavior in order to avoid significant errors in social interaction. Each person has his/her own religion so we have to respect it. It feels weird when something that you never do before but surely there's once when they feel the same way to you.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Social Security U6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Social Security U6 - Essay Example That makes people stop and say, â€Å"This is a dangerous idea!† Nevertheless, it is clear that the stock market has by now recovered all of the money that it lost during the Great Recession. We need to change peoples' attitudes. Instead of telling them they will be set for life, we need to ensure that they are more responsible for their post-retirement income. Social security is not a constitutional right, and it will not even exist if we do not engage in a number of serious reforms as quickly as possible. If we don't do this as soon as possible, there will be no money left for me or for my children. We will have bankrupted America. All real wealth is generated in the private sector, so it makes sense to turn to the private sector to secure the post-retirement wealth of our seniors. Investing social security money in the stock market can yield major returns and give more control over to our most precious resource: our senior citizens. Brown, Jeffrey R., Jeffrey B. Liebman, an d David A. Wise. Social Security Policy in a Changing Environment. University of Chicago Press, 2009.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Answer one of three Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Answer one of three - Assignment Example The purpose of the present essay is to show how such estrangement, or ‘Othering’, played out in the course of several centuries of history of political, economic and cultural ties between the Christian West and Islamic Orient. For the purposes of present discussion, the terms â€Å"West† and â€Å"Islam† will be used in generalized sense, with the former corresponding to the cultures and nations dominated or influenced by Western (Catholic and later Protestant) Christianity, while the latter encompassing the totality of political and cultural space for which the religion of Islam was the most fundamental unifying factor. The issues of relationship between the cultures influenced by Orthodox (Eastern) Christianity and Islamic civilizations are to be analyzed in this essay to the extent of their impact on the perception of Islam in the West and the attitude of Islamic cultures towards the Christians in general, respectively. The chronological boundaries of the research encompass the historic period ranging from 7 century CE to our times, with special attention being paid to the vicissitudes of change in the models and criteria of ‘Othering’ being employed by both parties. The rise of Islam as a religion of the new mighty world empire, which managed to destroy centuries-old powers of the Middle East, i.e. the East Roman Empire (Byzantium) and the Sassanian kingdom of Persia, from the very outset led to the increasing feelings of insecurity and dismay on the part of Christian scholars and theologians. Having been previously accustomed to the feeling of utter superiority and ultimate triumph of the Christian faith, they were immensely surprised by the fact that an initially ‘insignificant’ religious group from the Arabian Peninsula managed to assert itself as a viable proselytizing alternative to their own creed. At the same time, the direct connection between Islamic

Monday, October 7, 2019

Mergers & Acquisitions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mergers & Acquisitions - Essay Example The earnings per share is 15.5p, which must be maintained. Therefore x/15.5 =8, hence x = 124p or 1 pound and 24 pence. This is the price of 1.24 pounds at which Smith plc may be valued for purpose of the merger if a P/E ratio of 8 must be achieved. On this basis, the average price of a share in a merged entity of both Amanda plc and Smith plc works out to {(1.24 + 2.40)/2} = 1.82 pounds, which is the market price that must be set for the share. In such a case, this would result in a lowering of the Amanda plc share value in the market by (2.40 – 1.82) = 0.58 pence, while in the case of Smith plc share holders, the value of their stock rises by (1.82 -1.03) = 79 pence. Therefore, it may be noted that the second option appears to be the better choice, since it entails less losses for Amanda plc shareholders and more gains for Smith plc shareholders, in terms of share values. In order to assess the earnings on the shares that can be estimated while also maintaining some growth in the next three years, it may be noted that Amanda plc is currently on a growth track but will decline in the next three years, but for Smith plc future growth prospects look good but the limitation is finances. The current rate of return on the Smith plc shares is (15.5 X 100/103) – 15%. On the basis of current earnings per share for Smith plc being 15.5 pence, if a growth rate of at least 15% is desired in 3 years with a desired rate of return of at least the current 15%, then the current fair market value should be at least 1.02 pounds. ( This is more or less the current value of the Smith plc stock (1.03 pounds) and a growth rate of 15% can be achieved although the PEG ratio is on the higher side. The P/E ratio in this case will be 9.7 and the PEG ratio will be 0.64. On the other hand, if a growth rate of 30% is desired with a similar 15% rate of ret urn on Smith plc stock, then the fair market value that must

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Strategy Intent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategy Intent - Essay Example The concept of â€Å"strategic intent† was propounded by Hamel and Prahalad in 1989, which produced rippled effect in the galleries of corporate and strategic management. The over ambition of companies to succeed in all departments of business made them obsessed with the concept of global leadership irrespective of their capabilities; Hamel and Prahalad had given a different name to this desire of corporations to lead worldwide as â€Å"strategic intent†. Different conglomerates phrased their strategic intent like Komatsu gave the title â€Å"Encircle Caterpillar†, Canon initiated â€Å"Beat Xerox†. All these titles show the strategic intent of the companies. Interesting thing perceived in the description of the term by Hamel and Prahalad is elaborating the concept through examples of such companies having a strategic intent. Another important element of the concept is that it is a continuous active management process by corporations with the intention and focus straight on the winning spirit by inspiring employees for attaining targets by communicating with them; it is creating the stimulus for emotional and intellectual exercise to prepare for the future. A comparison between the strategic architecture that Prahalad and Hamel (1990) have discussed in ‘The Core Competence of the Corporation’ with the strategic intent by Hamel and Prahalad (1989) becomes natural. The strategic architecture on the one hand adds new functionalities, new competencies, transformation in current competencies and restructuring of communication with customers while strategic intent is symbolic of the heart of the components of strategic management of corporations. It enlarges to meet the challenges within limited available resources and capabilities. For getting competitive advantage managers are trying different strategies and go to the extent of partnering with

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Project - Essay Example First, it equips him with the foundation for understanding almost every human process within the Organization. Second, through it he will be aware of the necessary communication skills he needs to have so that he can attain organizational expectation. Finally, it will guide him down the path to a career as a communication expert in an organization. The aim of this paper was to find out what are the necessary features that a business requires to facilitate positive performance within the market sector. The study focused on the websites of Saudi Aramco and Marathon Petroleum Corporation for similarities and differences. The choice of the two companies was drawn from the fact that they do possess websites that are almost up to date with the current technology. The conclusion of this study was of great significance towards different businesses updating their websites with the purpose of increasing marketing of their product and easy interaction between the customers and many more. Communication within websites of any corporation is a crucial step towards achieving success. Communication within an organization either takes the form of internal communication and external communication. Proper communication is efficient, reliable, and saves time. Internal communication usually involves employees of a given organization right from the management level trickling down to departmental employees. On the other hand, external communication is always from a company to customers, and potential employees and the other way round. Presently, majority of corporations have heavily invested in websites. Apart from internal and external communication, they are used for marketing goods and services that different companies offer. For illustration, the information presented on Saudi Aramco’s website reveals it is a state-owned company. It deals with the production and exporting of crude oil, natural gas and many more. The current knowledge of the

Friday, October 4, 2019

Research Indicates Essay Example for Free

Research Indicates Essay Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life. Every people in our life born with some parametrics, like health, mental power and another ones. Some people think that the initial characteristics influence on our development and personality. I agree with it, but I think that any experience in our life have more impact too. Let us consider it. First of all, people learn anything during whole life. When people born they learn how to eat, how to move, how to read, write and another. All of these depend on our life experience, not on our characteristics. Secondly, each time when we make mistake, we try to analyze why it happened and how to prevent mistakes like this. We are developing according our mistakes. Also, parents have greatest influence on their children personality as from the early ages they teach children every aspects of life. Parents explain to their children what is right, what is wrong. According to this, children develop their positive or negative worldview. Also person who has good characteristics will study, work hard and develop his experience it will influence his development in life. In conclusion, I believe that the life experience has a great influence on our character and the man is never too old to learn. Is your memory changing with age? People who believe they have a poor memory are usually no worse at remembering than whose who believe they have a good memory. One theory for this is that people are influenced by their general beliefs about how memory changes with age. If you believe your memory will get worse as you grow older, you will pay more attention to memory failures and each bout of forgetfulness will reinforce your belief that your memory is getting worse. Common everyday memory failures tend to be judged more harshly when these failures belong to an older person. A large scale study over a ten year period found that cognitive decline is not a normal part of aging for most elderly people. 70% of the adults in the study showed no decline in memory. What has been found is that there are factors that may affect memory in older adults. These are high blood pressure, obesity and smoking. Is your memory changing with age?

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Transactional And Transformational Leadership

Transactional And Transformational Leadership Max Weber was the pioneer in developing theory of transactional and transformational leadership, but the theory was further explored by James MacGregor Burns (1978) to Bernard Bass (1985). According to Kuhnert and Lewis (1987), this theory is to explain how personality differences in leaders lead to either transactional or transformational leadership styles (Kuhnert Lewis, 1987). According to Burns (1978) as cited by Kuhnert and Lewis (1987), transactional leadership occurs when one takes the initiatives in making contacts with others for exchanging something valued. Whereas transformational leadership occurs when one focuses the needs, the beliefs, and the values of followers. According to Yukl (1981) as cited by Kuhnert and Lewis (1987), transactional leadership involves exchange of information between superior and subordinates and influences each other reciprocally so that each derives something valued. In other words, it is a win-win situation for both superior and subordinates in getting something they valued. Kellerrmen (1984) as cited by Kuhnert and Lewis (1987) claimed that both the transactional leaders and followers engage in mutual dependence in which the contributions of both sides are acknowledged and rewarded. However, leaders are still influential in making decision and the range is in the best interest of the followers. To be an effective transactional leader, they must regularly fulfill the needs and expectation of their followers. Thus an effective transactional leader is able to respond to the reactions and meet the expectation of their followers (Kellermen, 1984) in (Kuhnert Lewis, 1987). Although transactional leadership is described as exchanging valued outcomes, some literature review suggested that not all exchanges are equal. Graen et al. (1982) in Kuhnert and Lewis (1987) studied the impact on both high-quality and low-quality exchange relationship had on turnover rate of employees in an organization. The result of the study is that employees who engage in exchanging emotional support and resources (high-quality) were less likely to leave an organization compared to employees who engage in exchanging contractually agreed upon elements such as eight hours schedule per day (low-quality). Graen et al. (1982) suggested low-quality exchanges are based on goods or rights. In contrast, high-quality exchanges are based on interpersonal bond between leaders and followers. However in these exchanges, transactional leaders have to clarify the roles and task requirements followers must complete in order to reach to their personal goals and in the same time fulfill the missi on of the organization (Kuhnert Lewis, 1987). Kuhnert and Lewis (1987) also indicated that transformational leadership originates the personal values and beliefs of leaders, not involving any exchange of commodities between leaders and followers. Both Bass (1985) and Burns (1978) as cited by Kuhnert and Lewis (1987) stated that transformational leaders demonstrate their deeply held personal value systems that include such values as justice and integrity. Burns (1978) refers these values were not exchangeable or negotiated between individuals. By expressing their values and specific standards, transformational leaders are able to unite followers and change followers goals and beliefs thus achieve organizational goals. This form of leadership results in higher achievement of performance among individuals (Bass, 1985) in (Kuhnert Lewis, 1987). Kuhnert and Lewis (1987) stated that transformational leaders gain their influence by displaying important personal characteristics. These personal characteristics in a leader were described by Bass (1985); some of them are intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, and level of charisma. According to Dionne et al. (2003) in Ismail et al. (2011), intellectual stimulation is viewed as a leader who cares about intelligence, rationality, logic and careful problem solving in an organization. Leaders stimulate followers to re-examine ways of doing things, use of rational thinking before taking actions. In addition, individualized consideration is viewed as leaders concern about their followers needs. Leaders encourage followers reach to their full potential through proper coaching and mentoring and link followers need to the organizational strategy and goals (Ismail et al., 2011). Thus, successful transformational leaders are able to articulate goals, build an image, demonstrate confidence and inspire followers. These behaviors can convince and motivate followers without exchanging for goods or rights, which characterizes transactional leaders (Kuhnert Lewis, 1987). 5.2 Interactions between Transactional and Transformational Leadership According to Hamilton (2010), Bass (1985) proposed that: there are situations in which the transformational approach may not be appropriate, [and that] organizations need to draw more on the resources of charismatic leaders, who often can induce followers to aspire to and maintain much higher levels of productivity than they would have reached if they had been operating only through the transactional process (Bass, 1985, p. 40) in (Hamilton, 2010). Bass (1999) also indicated that there are plenty of works needed to be done in order to have confidence in full range of transactional and transformational leadership (Bass, 1985, p. 10) in (Hamilton, 2010). To show how transformational leadership and transactional leadership interact with one another, a research has been conducted by Corrigan and Garman (1999) as cited by Hamilton (2010). This study was about how the two (transactional and transformational leadership) interact within the realm of team leadership. Researchers explored how transformational and transactional leadership skills are needed to develop team cohesion. In this study, team leaders needed to have transformational skills: inspiration and charisma, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration (Corrigan et al., 1999, p. 304) in (Hamilton, 2010) that allowed them to inspire team members and help the team move forward with creative problem solving. This motivational need and focus requires the leaders to not only exhibit transformational skills but transactional skills. In making transactions, the leaders had three goals which are clarifying expectations, motivating improvement, and recognizing achievement s (Corrigan et al., 1999, p. 308) in (Hamilton, 2010). Transactional skills are needed to help maintain effective programs. The interaction between transactional and transformational skills were valuable for leaders in which they utilized skills, which allowed them to meet both present and future needs of team members and organization (Hamilton, 2010). It was concluded that a manager can be both transformational and transactional leader depending on various situations. It results in more effective leadership behaviour of leaders in an organization (Hamilton, 2010). 5.3 Transformational and Transactional Leadership on Organizational Commitment 5.3.1 Employee Attitude and Customer Satisfaction Mowday et al. (1979) as cited by Emery et al. (2007) found that organizational commitment reflects employees identification and involvement. To be more specific, it holds three dimensions: a strong belief in and acceptance of organizations goals and values; a willingness to exert considerable effort on behalf of the organization; and a strong desire to maintain membership in an organization (Mowday et al., 1979) in (Emery et al., 2007). According to Emery et al. (2007), there are several findings indicated there are positive relationship between a persons willingness to participate in quality improvement efforts and organizational commitment. Morris (1995) in Emery et al. (2007) found that employee job satisfaction is one of the critical factors in delivering satisfaction to customers. In addition, it also concluded that employee job satisfaction comes from: the job itself, supervisor relationship, management beliefs, future opportunity, works environment, pay/ benefits/ rewards, and co-worker relationships (Morris, 1995) in (Emery et al., 2007). Another study of retail banking industry, Brown and Mitchell (1993) in Emery et al. (2007) found that job dissatisfaction of customer contact personnel was positively correlated with lower customer satisfaction. In addition, there is a similar research has been conducted by Atkins et al. (1996) in Emery et al. (2007), authors examined level of customer satisfaction by nurses services at a major Midwestern hospital, the correlation between nurses job satisfaction and patients recommendation of which units they preferred was .85 (Atkins et al., 1996) in (Emery et al., 2007). 5.3.2 The correlation between Leaderships and Organizational Commitment According to the research done by Emery et al. (2007), the purpose of this study is to examine the connection between transactional and transformational leadership and job satisfaction and employee commitment. The results indicated that transformational leadership was found to have higher correlation with job satisfaction and employee commitment compared to transactional leadership. Bass (1985) as cited by Emery et al. (2007) indicated that transformational leaders are likely to find more acceptances in an organization, where receptivity to change and a propensity for risk taking are available. However, leaders who question the status quo of an organization which bound by tradition, rules and sanctions may be viewed as too unsettling or anxious thus perceived as inappropriate. Thus, open to creative suggestion, innovation and risk taking may be more conducive to transformational leadership compared to challenge the status quo of an organization (Emery et al., 2007). Bass (1985) suggested that transactional leadership are preferred over in service sectors such as banking sector. However, Emery et al. (2007) found that the employees in banking sectors preferred transformational leadership. It could be explained that the system of reinforcement in mechanistic organization is so thoroughly entrenched in the organizational structures, which leaders do not need to provide contingent reinforcement. Emery et al. (2007) found that charisma is preferred beyond contingent-reward behaviour in relation to leader effectiveness. These findings are consistent with other researches done by Hater and Bass (1988) and Waldmen et al. (1987) as cited by Emery et al. (2007) where it had demonstrated the importance of charismatic leadership in level of organizational commitment. However, Emery et al. (2007) failed to support that the charisma is only important at the highest management levels. It is due to lower-level managers somehow comply with the decisions of the higher-level charismatic leaders by receiving contingent rewards. Another finding by Emery et al. (2007) indicated that there are no gender differences in terms of magnitude and preference of particular leadership styles. Female managers are equally display transformational style as males, both males and females managers exhibit similar level of charisma, intellectual stimulation and individual consideration. This study by Emery et al. (2007) supports the use of transformational leadership to increase job satisfaction and organizational commitment of customer contact personnel. These findings become more significant as service corporations attempt to empower their employees and strive to retain customers through relationship strategies. Another evidence is that result indicated that transformational leadership and particularly charismatic is preferred by employees although they received low paid in an organization. According to Emery et al. (2007), employees place a great deal of trust in their leaders judgment; they adopt leaders values and form strong emotional ties to the leader. Leaders personal characteristics are directly support the dimension of service quality (Parasuraman et al., 1988) in (Emery et al., 2007). According to Bass (1994; 1999), Howell and Avolio (1993) and Ismail et al. (2010) as cited by Ismail et al. (2011), since it is an era of global competition, many organizations shift the paradigms of their leadership styles from transactional to transformational leadership as a way to achieve their strategies and goals. Transformational leaders are effective leaders that develop their followers full potential, higher needs and motivate them to unite, link their goals to organizational goals and beliefs (Ismail et al., 2011).